St. Gabriel School
St. Gabriel School is a Catholic School for grades K-8, providing Christian Values, Academic Excellence and a Nurturing Environment. We have been offering summer camp for all children entering gr. K in September through age 12 for nearly 6 years. Camp is staffed by trained teaching staff from St. Gabriel School and offers numerous indoor and outdoor activities as well as walking and bus trips each week.
St. Gabriel School exists in order to create and develop a Christian atmosphere in which a student is prepared to excel in academic knowledge, right judgment and spiritual values. We constantly strive to guide each student's intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional development in the light of the teachings of Jesus Christ. This commitment is shared by the St. Gabriel School Community. We stress respect, praise, encouragement and love as a means of providing a comfortable and safe school environment. In such environment, children will develop their God given talents to their fullest potential teachers strive to act in a professional manner to enhance curriculum and actively participate in their spiritual growth of the school. As members of the Christian community, teachers respect and support each other's ideas, methods and values. this creates an atmosphere of friendship and encouragement, conducive to Christian learning.
St. Gabriel School offers its students high quality academic programs that emphasize using both traditional and contemporary methods. We endeavor to establish a relationship between student and teacher that will be one of mutual trust and confidence. This relationship fosters a positive self image in the students and will result in their spiritual growth, academic achievement and social interaction.